Is Kundalini Yoga for everyone?

Is Kundalini Yoga for everyone?

Listen to Anand Raj in this insightful video to find the answer!



Is Kundalini Yoga for everyone?

I believe so. I think everyone can practice kundalini yoga.

Kundalini yoga contains such a variety of exercises, meditations, techniques, kriyas, it's a huge treasure or a toolbox. And I believe that everyone can find a tool, or a pearl in there to practice, and it is and can be actually quite life-changing and transforming.

Some people come to kundalini yoga classes and they are just touched and say - "wow,  this feels like coming home" - and I believe this is because in kundalini yoga we focus on a specific balance between two forces. We call them bhakti, the devotion, and shakti, the empowerment or technology.

Bhakti and Shakti - the devotion and the technology.

They are both very strong in kundalini yoga, but they are in balance. So we have a very strong technology, a very strong knowledge on how to practice - what are the angles, what are the pressure points, what are the trigger points, what is the duration, what are the specific mantras we use? It goes into extreme detail - this is all the shakti.

But in addition to that, we have a lot of bhakti, a lot of devotion, a lot of singing, a lot of heart opening, a lot of experiencing, and going just into the flow and opening of the natural dynamics of energy.

This balance of the devotion and know-how is what makes kundalini yoga a very, very powerful tool, and why some people when they start practicing, feel really, really coming home.

If you are interested in going deeper into kundalini yoga, join our classes or sign-up for our teacher training.



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