Why Integral Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training?

Why do we call our Teacher Training an Integral experience?

Check the video below where Anand Raj shares with you the base knowledge and principles that sustain our Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training.



This year, we are going to offer again our Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. We call it Integral Kundalini Yoga because we don't want to teach only yoga, we actually want to teach how to live yoga, how to practice yoga, and how to integrate the teachings of kundalini yoga into our modern everyday life - that is actually when yoga begins.

In kundalini yoga we want to meet life, we don't want to escape to a cave in the Himalayas and practice and seek enlightenment,  we actually want to use these incredible methods and technology of yoga, to be able to go into life, to have a family, to run a business, to meet people, to do politics, to stand up to create the world that we are in. Because we say that, we go to where the pressure is highest, and there we sustain, and there you work, and there you connect with the light within, you are creating a diamond.

In order to create a diamond, you need pressure. When you have the diamond, then you polish it, and you start shining and radiating. That is the idea of a kundalini yogi.

To practice, in order to live.



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